1stly, to all my faithful blog readers, a big thank you to all who've taken some time to encourage me to the improve the quality of pictures i'm posting here, so please do post more comments if possible. Terima kasih!
Yesterday was thinking of visiting the sand art installation at Docklands, but ended up doing some long exposure shots instead. i lugged the 7-14, 14-50. 35-100 & K's manfrotto in my lowerpro 200AW. No wonder my shoulders hurt the day after!

(btw i regard small toy dogs as pets for bimbos - small, noisy, picky and a hassle to keep!)
i like the effect of Kevin Kubota's B n W film grain here. too bad there's not a quick way to apply vignette's in PS, so i applied it in Lightroom before exporting it to PS.

to those who have the 9-18, its a crikey lens, but i'd pay more for slightly better image quality, plus weather-sealing, of course

wished oly had a nice 12mm PC lens. it would've been perfect and saved me some photoshop work making the vertical straight!

ok.. now time for the HDR section (pic credited to biofos.com)

aperture - f8. this aperture gives the best DOF before lens diffraction kicks in. no point using f22. the exposure becomes too long, plus its not worth your time either.
exposure - i use the auto-bracketting function, which gives 3 photos at -1, 0 & +1ev. other options (eg. 5 exposures at -0.3 apart) takes a little long to perform, so i'm not sure if it does justice to make a better, smoother gradation on the pic.
white balance - i usually leave on auto, but setting it an a set value (around 4000K) is better
'natural' picture mode - i can always bump up saturation in lightroom.
single shot, 2 second timer, with 1 second mirror lockup. - for the ultimate rocksolid shots. its better to turn off IS also, sometimes IS can interfere and produce some 'funny' results
ESP metering.. this will usually produce well exposed shots
S-AF with all focus points 'on' to ensure everything is sharp for the first shot, then MF for the 2nd and third ones.
RAW format - yes... it take space.. (even I am stressed even though i have close to 2 TB of hard disk storage), but it gives the best DR and latitude for post processing.
gradation - i'd change it to 'normal', since auto gradation gives lots of unwanted noise (epecially in shadow areas when i'm merging the exposures).
note - these settings are specifically for tripod HDR work for the Olympus E-3.
no tripod, no worries ! .. just find a flat solid surface to rest your camera on!
whew.. thats a lot of factors to consider yeah? not to worry, save these presets under one of the custom user modes in your E-3, and you will automatically switch to them!
Now onto the pics...

i've got a housemate leaving in 2 days back home. he's one of the most important figures in my photographic journey since i've started, so it'll be a sad time to see him leave..i could never thank him enough for what he's thought me.. sigh.
sorry for the lengthy post. laters!
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